Prepare the Yard for Above Ground Pool

Thinking about setting up an above ground pool in your backyard? It might seem like you just need to set it up, fill it with water, and start enjoying your summer?

But before you can dive in, there’s an essential step you can’t skip: preparing the ground. Don’t worry; I’m here to walk you through the process step by step.

Leveling the Base for Hard-Side Above Ground Pool

For Hard Side Pools, thorough excavation and ground preparation are crucial. These pools require a more robust approach to ensure a solid foundation, necessary for their heavier and more permanent structure.

Step 1: Choose the Right Location

I have written a rather long article about this step. Please read more here

Hard Side Above Ground Pool

Step 2: Mark the Area

Once you’ve chosen the location, it’s time to clear the area:

  • Mark the Area: You need to mark out the exact location and size of your pool. Use stakes and string to outline the area where the pool will go. This will help you stay within the boundaries as you work.
  • For example, with an 18’ round pool: Place the end of the tape measure over the stake and measure to 10 feet. Measuring 10 feet from the center gives a diameter of 18 feet, giving you 1 foot all around to work with. Walk slowly around the perimeter and use spray paint or lime to mark the outer edge of the circle.
Mark the area

I can now split the article into two sections based on the common type of above ground pool: Metal Frame Pools and Hard Side Pools.

Step 3: Level the Ground

Remove the Turf: Let start by removing 5-6 inches of grass and topsoil using a sod cutter or shovel. This preparation helps prevent grass from growing under the pool and ensures a stable foundation for your new pool.

Measure the Slope: Use a long wooden board and a spirit level to check how much the ground slopes (it’s my favorite tool, you can use Transit Level or Laser level but I don’t find it necessary). Place the board on the ground and set the level on top then move the board around the marked area to find the highest and lowest points.

Level the High Spots: To level uneven ground for your pool, dig out high spots instead of filling low areas to prevent uneven settling. Ensure the ground is within 1 inch of level, as any major discrepancies can cause structural issues once the pool is filled with water.

Step 4: Add a Base Material

Replace this with 4 inches of crushed, compacted aggregate (usually ¾” clear) and 2 to 3 inches of stone dust or sand as a base.

Then, rake the material to ensure it is evenly distributed and compact it down with a tamper to create a solid foundation. By the way, each base material has its advantages and considerations:

  • Sand: Inexpensive and easy to work with but can wash away over time.
  • Stone dust: Offers good compaction and stability, resistant to washing away.
  • Concrete: Provides the most stable base but is more expensive and permanent.
Above Ground Pool Site Prep

Now you have a solid base ready for installing your Hard Side Pool.

For Metal Frame Above Ground Pool

Metal Frame Above Ground Pool

For Metal Frame Pools, while adding base material like stone dust or sand isn’t strictly necessary, it can be helpful depending on the ground conditions and your preference for added stability and protection.

When to Add Base Material ?

  • If your ground is slightly uneven or has some low spots, adding a layer of mason sand or stone dust can help create a more level surface. A base material provides additional cushioning under the pool liner, which can protect it from punctures or wear and tear.
  • By the way, materials like stone dust or sand can improve drainage under the pool, reducing the risk of water pooling and causing issues with the pool’s stability.

How to Add Base Material?

The process is basically the same as the Hard side pool above. However, you won’t need to dig out 6 inches of soil and add as much substrate. You still need to remove grass and leveling the ground, then spread a 1-2 inch layer of mason sand or stone dust evenly across the area.

Make use of a rake to even out the base material, and then confirm its flatness using a transit level and straight edge board. Lastly, sprinkle water on it sparingly and compact it with a hand tamper in order to create a stable leveled surface.

Alternative Option

If your ground is already quite level and you’re looking for a quicker setup, you can skip the base material and use a high-quality ground cloth or pool pad directly on the soil. This is often sufficient for Metal Frame Pools and simplifies the preparation process.

Adding a base material like stone dust or mason sand is optional but can enhance the longevity and stability of your pool setup. It’s a good step if you want extra protection and a smoother surface, especially if your ground isn’t perfectly level.

Just like my friend Tommy did last year with his steel frame Bestway pool. He removed all the grass, dug up about an inch of dirt, and leveled the area. Then he placed a pool pad (LL24R type) on it, assembled the pool, and enjoyed it. It was pretty easy

Install Pavers Under the Pool Legs (Optional): For great stability, i recommend using 12x12x1 inch concrete pavers under the pool legs to prevent sinking. Make sure the pavers are level with the surrounding ground to avoid pressure points on the liner. Then, use a long board (like a 2×4) and a level to check that the surface is completely flat.

Ground Cloth

Why Proper Ground Preparation is Important

It’s like building a house; the first step is having a solid foundation. For example, if you have a 27’ above ground pool, it holds around 14.000 gallons of water, weighing nearly 60 tons. If the ground is rough and uneven with dirt, rocks, or gravel, it can puncture the pool’s bottom layer. Additionally, if the ground is unlevel, the pool will tilt, causing water to accumulate on one side, creating pressure on the pool wall and leading to leaks

Pool Collapse – Source: Reddit

Additional Tips

  • Consider about using Sand alone: While someone suggest using sand for leveling, it can wash away easily with rain. A combination of sand and stone dust (2:1 ratio) is often more effective.
  • Consider Professional Help: Consider getting professional help if your yard is sloped or rocky and requires heavy machinery like an excavator. Hiring a professional team is my strongly recommended in such cases, even though it might be costly. This way may save time and ensure a more precise leveling job.
  • Then spend more time thinking about the best above ground pool suit your home. Alternatively, you can opt for inflatable above ground pools, which usually don’t require strict ground preparation. Just pump it up and enjoy.


Here are some questions I often hear from fellow homeowners about preparing the ground for an above ground pool:

Q: Can I put my pool directly on grass?

A: It’s not recommended. Grass can decay and shift, leading to an uneven base. Always remove the grass and create a solid, level foundation.

Q: How long does it take to prepare the ground for a pool?

A: It depends on the size of your pool and the condition of your yard. On average, you should plan for a full weekend to clear, level, and prepare the ground.

Q: Do I need professional help to prepare the ground?

A: While professional help can make the job easier, many homeowners successfully prepare the ground themselves. Just be patient and meticulous with the leveling process.

Q: Can I use a tarp instead of a ground cloth?

A: A heavy-duty tarp can be used as an alternative to a ground cloth, but it’s best to use materials specifically designed for pool installations to ensure maximum protection.

Final Thoughts

Preparing the ground for an above ground pool might seem like a lot of work, but it’s crucial for a safe and enjoyable swimming experience.

Remember, this is a project you can tackle yourself with a bit of patience and elbow grease. And once your pool is up and running, you’ll know it was all worth it.

Feel free to share any of your pool prep stories or questions in the comments below. Happy swimming!

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Last Update: August 26, 2024

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